We Want to Hear from You

Have a comment, concern, suggestion, or question?

The Staff Senate membership represents all exempt, non-exempt, and full-time contingent staff employees not covered by collective bargaining, excluding Academic Deans, members of the Frostburg State University Executive Cabinet, and employees who are eligible to participate on the Faculty Senate.

The purpose of the Staff Senate is to facilitate communication, solicit and express opinions, give suggestions and recommendations on matters of concern of the campus.

In an effort to keep the lines of communication open, we welcome any comments, concerns, suggestions, questions, or Staff Senate agenda item requests. Please complete the below information. Feel free to contact us with any further questions at StaffSenate@frostburg.edu.

Questions or concerns will be addressed at the next Staff Senate meeting. If you desire a more immediate response, please provide your contact information.

No data is collected about respondents unless provided.